Announcing a new free game from Physmo… Lineable!

We are excited to announce that our latest game, Lineable, will be released on the 20th June! Lineable is an excitingly fast puzzle game for iPhone, and will be available for the low price of FREE! Check out the preview video… In the game, you are faced with a screen of tiles, each with a straight line or a corner shape – your job is to trace lines with your finger as fast as you can… In the process Continue reading Announcing a new free game from Physmo… Lineable!
GhostRacer out now!
Mos Speedrun for PC now available.
Tony has been hard at work making our little game work on windows, and you can get it now on Desura! It’s fun seeing all those pixels flying around on the big screen 🙂  Mos Speedrun on Desura We are working on a new level (with 5 stages) and will keep you posted when it’s ready… Nick
Mos Speedrun videos
In version 1.5 of Mos Speedrun for iOs devices (iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad) we added a great new feature that allows you to record your best speedruns from any level to a video that you can share online. Touch Arcade ran a nice news post on the update and Jared on the site posted a video of a very impressive speedrun of one of the levels, as you can see 🙂
Speedrun Music Track
We have had quite a few requests for the music track to Mos Speedrun, so with permission from the awesome composer, Je Mappelle, here it is: noTime – Je Mappelle.mp3 Check out his other work at his page over at the 8 Bit Collective!
Mos Speedrun on Mac Appstore
We have added to the ways to play Mos Speedrun – now Mac gamers get a chance to speedrun around the many challenging levels with Mos, the weird looking girly insectoid. Head over to the Appstore and check it out !
Mos speedrun design grilling
Tony retaliated after I forced some interview questions on him. Here I talk a bit about the art and design stuff in Mos Speedrun. Q: What do you use to create the artwork for Mos?All of the artwork was created in adobe photoshop. Â It’s a great application, but not really designed for such basic pixel art, I wish the zoom went in a bit farther! Aside from that we made heavy use of dropbox which proved to be extremely useful Continue reading Mos speedrun design grilling
Mos front end mockup
This is the final mock-up I did of the Mos Speedrun stage select screen. It’s surprisingly close to the final version that ended up in the game. From quite early on we wanted to make the game as accessible as possible, and we took this to the extreme here by having a single screen that the game loads up to being the way to access all the stages, levels and options. I mocked up the screen in Photoshop and then Continue reading Mos front end mockup
What we are up to.
We are working on an update to Mos Speedrun, with a minor bugfix that will address some issues we had where the controls would act weird if you got a text message while playing. This update will also include support for the awesome iCade iPad arcade cabinet, which we are really excited about! Since no one else was going to do it, I took the liberty of posing a few questions to Tony the Physmo brainbox. In this installment I Continue reading What we are up to.